Tomorrow, Together
The Red and Blue Advisory Committee
The Red and Blue Advisory Committee
Walter H. Annenberg Dean, Richard Perry University Professor, Annenberg School for Communication
Senior Vice Provost for Research; Henry Robinson Towne Professor of Engineering and Applied Science
Michael R. Tarnopol Professor and Professor of Management, Wharton School
Dean and Thomas S. Gates, Jr. Professor of Psychology, Pharmacology, and Neuroscience, School of Arts & Sciences
Alexandra Heyman Nash University Professor; Director, Social Action Lab; Director, Science of Science Communication Division, Annenberg Public Policy Center; Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication; Professor of Family and Community Health, School of Nursing; Professor of Psychology, School of Arts & Sciences; Professor, Health Care Management, Wharton School
Senior Vice Dean for Strategic Initiatives, Perelman School of Medicine; John Morgan Professor, Medicine and Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine; Professor, Health Care Management and Operations, Information and Decisions, Wharton School
Nussdorf Professor of Urban Research, Department of City and Regional Planning Stuart Weitzman School of Design co-Director, Penn Institute for Urban Research (Penn IUR), Stuart Weitzman School of Design
William T. Carter Professor of Child Development and Education, Literacy, Culture, and International Education Division; Director, National Center on Fathers and Families; Associate Director, National Center on Adult Literacy, Graduate School of Education; Chair, Faculty Senate
Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Dean of Students, Penn Carey Law
Senior Vice President for Institutional Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer
Professor, Department of Oral Medicine, Associate Dean for Organizational Effectiveness at Penn Dental Medicine; Associate Dean for Graduate Education, Director of the Biomedical Graduate Studies at the Perelman School of Medicine
Davidson Kennedy Professor in the College; Chair in Music
C’23/W’23, Undergraduate Assembly President
L’23/GED’23, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly President, 2022-23
Stevens University Professor; Director, Computational Social Science Lab, Annenberg School; Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions, Professor of Communication, Professor of Computer and Information Science, School of Engineering and Applied Science
"Penn’s future has never been brighter thanks to every member of our University community. We now have an historic opportunity to envision where Penn goes from here."
Full Message"Together, we have the ability to help shape the future of our University and to make a positive difference on the lives of many beyond our community. The work begins today."
Video and Transcript